Facial rejuvenation

woman with rejuvenated skin on her face

Perhaps no woman after the age of 35 likes to look "her age", even seeming older than her age.

There are so many anti-aging cosmetics out there these days - this is great, but effective products don't come cheap, and going to the salon is both time-consuming and expensive.

Of course, beauty is more expensive, but you can't buy good cosmetics or sign up for a salon, you need to take care of your skin with the help of available means, and you should pay attention to the mold. his face as much as possible. Feasibility.

Folk remedies will always be in demand, and not only because they are cheap, but because they are prepared from the most natural ingredients - food.

There are many folk methods for facial rejuvenation, but they must be applied continuously.

Scrubs and masks

The most popular are masks for facial rejuvenation, prepared according to folk recipes. They will be more effective if the skin is prepared in advance: steam with a decoction of medicinal herbs - you can apply or compress your face over a hot steam bottle. And homemade scrubs will help remove the top layer of dead cells.

For example, a good scrub can be made quickly, using mashed berries and sugar. Brown sugar mixed with gruel from currants, strawberries, . . . apply evenly and then apply to the face, steam for about 5-7 minutes, then gently massage onto the skin according to the massage line and then rinse with warm water. Skin is moisturized and softer - you can apply a mask. You can use such scrubs no more than once a week, and for very dry skin - twice a month.

It is convenient to make masks with vegetable oils at home - they are always in the kitchen. Flaxseed oil has pronounced anti-aging properties. It can be used alone or mixed with other ingredients. Such a mask is very nutritious: flaxseed oil and honey (1 teaspoon each) mix with the yolk, put in warm water for a few minutes, apply the boiled mixture on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with waterwarm.

In the same way, the mask is made with olive oil, which is rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants. To 1 st. l. butter, add yolk, a little honey and lemon juice, mix well until smooth and apply on face, neck and facial area for 20 minutes.

A well-known folk remedy for rejuvenation is lard: makes the skin soft, elastic and wrinkle-free. Apply a piece of fresh unsalted lard all over the face, after 15 minutes wash off with warm and cool water.

Many homes have an aloe plant: a mask with biostimulant aloe works wonders - a few lower leaves of the plant must be kept in the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-14 days before use. For the mask: 1 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel and milk powder, 1 tsp. raw honey and yolk. Mix until smooth and apply on face for 10-12 minutes.

Herbal infusion, lotion, cream

Homemade lotion and herbal infusion perfectly rejuvenates the skin, eliminating fine lines, age spots and other imperfections.

It soothes, cleanses and rejuvenates skin with a blend of linden flower, horsetail, sage and chamomile. The herbs are mixed in 1 teaspoon, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and wipe your face 2 times a day.

A tonic of primrose, bellflower, parsley and cumin is formulated in a similar way - it refreshes the skin and removes pigmentation. The herbs are mixed and brewed, as in the previous recipe, but insist for 3 hours, strain and wipe on the face daily.

Eliminate small wrinkles and prevent their appearance with gerbera blend (2 tbsp), St. John's wort (1 tbsp), immortelle, tricolor violet and gerbera (1 tbsp). A mixture of herbs is poured into ½ liter of boiling water, insist for a day, and twice a day they wipe the face. This infusion is especially good for oily skin.

And for dry skin, the following types are suitable: fresh rose petals (rose hip), dried chamomile, mint, sage and fennel, chopped, pour 1/2 liter of cold water, bring to a boil. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.

Nettle Lotion rejuvenates all skin types. Chop 50 g of fresh nettle, mix with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, add vodka (2 tbsp), strain and use morning and evening.

From readily available and inexpensive ingredients, you can create a homemade ice cream: vegetable juice, yolk and butter. Beeswax (1 teaspoon) is melted in a water bath, add grapeseed oil (1 tablespoon) (apricot, peach), glycerin (1 teaspoon). 3 tbsp. l. The carrot, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, and cabbage juice mixture is mixed with the raw yolk, combined with the oil-glycerin-wax mixture and whipped with a mixer. The mixture is poured into a clean glass jar and kept in the refrigerator. The thick cream is used at night: it moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face, gives it a healthy look, prevents flaking and irritation.

Light massage with ice cubes helps to slow down the aging process and preserve the youthfulness of the skin. It is necessary to massage the skin with ice in the morning, after washing: this improves blood circulation and nutrition, and cells begin to receive more oxygen.

When removing makeup, it is better to use cosmetic oils - almond, grape seed, etc. v. - rather than commercial products. Such cleansing does not contain any "chemistry", and at the same time saturates the skin with useful substances. It is better not to wash your face with tap water but with mineral water, structured water from the refrigerator, or at least boiled.

Rejuvenating and nourishing tea

In addition to external factors that rejuvenate the skin, there are also internal factors: teas, decoction of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional medicines, medicinal alcohols, poultices.

Nourishing oil from garlic will help rejuvenate the skin. The peeled garlic head is poured with white wine (200 ml), boiled for half an hour over low heat, allowed to cool, and then poured into a jar with the garlic. You need to drink for several months in a row: 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals for 3 days, then rest for 7 days, drink again for 3 days.

Another balm formulated with dry red wine - it fights sagging skin very well. One liter of alcohol is poured into a mixture of lavender and sage, and left in a dark, cool place, occasionally shaking for 2 weeks. The infusion is filtered and taken every morning half an hour before meals.

In order for women's skin to stay young longer, it is necessary to maintain the synthesis of female sex hormones in the body - estrogen: they are responsible for retaining water in the skin and stimulating collagen production. Tea made from the berries and leaves of raspberries, strawberries and rose hips is rich in phytoestrogens - it is brewed and drunk like any tea. If you don't have berries, you can just use the leaves - for example, young rosehip leaves are high in vitamin C, flavonoids, catechins and other bioactives.

There are many folk methods for facial rejuvenation, but they must be used systematically. Only in this case can you expect that the time spent taking care of yourself will pay off. Don't forget about lifestyle, nutrition and water: you should eat fresh and natural products, drink only clean water, walk in the fresh air at any time of the year and don't let stress destroy your preciousness. Best value: women's health and beauty.